The images below are from February 2011, which coincidentally is when Georgia Home Garden 1.0 was being constructed. In the image below you can see the pavers outlining the garden area and only three 4x8 beds. I must have still been working on the other three. My lot was .20 of an acre, it was really a good size looking back on it. Big enough yet very manageable. The house was directly North facing which made for a South facing backyard, perfect for a garden. Scroll down for the new garden.
This is an aerial shot of the new house and future home of Georgia Home Garden 2.0. As you can see I am now on a corner lot. The house is East facing, but I have two potential spots for a new garden. The first area is on the North East side of the house. This area gets a good deal of Sun and only gets shade from the house that grows larger toward the afternoons. It is a good sized area for at least three 4x8 beds, maybe more. This area of my yard is a train wreck right now and it is going to take a lot of work to get it ready, more on that in another post. The second potential spot is this huge side yard to the left of my driveway that is South facing. There is a ton of room to do whatever I want. The only problem is this area isn't fenced and could present a problem. Ideally I would like to bump that fence out to about 15 feet off the road and capture more area in my backyard. This lot is double the size of my old lot at .40 of an acre. That didn't sound like a lot to me until I had to cut the grass a few times with a walk behind mower. Well that is all for now, there will be more posts in the future as I am working every day on landscaping projects, planting trees, getting garden area prepped, etc. I hope to share some of these as they progress.