I have taken a lot of pictures, but here are some good ones.
View of the back fence wall. This section had to face me due to a neighbors existing fence.
The old fence came off the corner of my house and followed that orange dirt. I used the dirt they dug up for the posts and filled in a huge low spot. The new fence comes off the house 20 feet, and this is a view of the additional backyard space.
Nice picture showing fence detail.
I had a small walk through gate added so I can get to my garden from the back yard. Notice the 6x6 post used for hinge side of gate.
View from the garden.
Great view from the street looking toward my house, I can't wait for the Nuttall Oaks I planted last fall to grow and fill in this area.
This is the section of fence that is double sided. Notice how straight the pickets are and you can't even see that there are pickets on both sides. This fence installer used string lines for everything, and he used a level on every picket for this double sided section. A true craftsman.
Standing in old "side yard" which is now back yard.
View from driveway looking toward side yard. The distance from the new fence and street is 22 feet, which is still plenty of room so the fence is not too obtrusive.
I added some landscaping between the new fence and the driveway to dress up this area. More on that in another post.
View from driveway toward main gate.