Saturday, May 7, 2011

2011 Garden - Flowers May 7th

In my garden I primarily focus on growing vegetables.  I am trying to grow a few flowers this year so I can expand my gardening knowledge.  I planted some marigolds from seed in some decorative pots.  I also planted some zinnias around my mailbox from seed.  I bought some impatiens seeds, but have yet to plant them.  I have a few endless summer hydrangeas that I planted a few years ago, and this year I planted about 20 fashion azaleas along my fence.  Most of the flowers are in bloom now so I thought I would post some pictures on their progress.

Endless Summer Hydrangeas - I bought 4 of these from Lowes about 3 years ago and these have got to be the longest blooming hydrangeas ever.  These bloom from April to November in my climate and I do absolutely nothing to them.  They do tend to droop in the hot summer days of Georgia because I don't water them as often as I should, but other than that they are great.

Hydrangea Bloom

Marigolds planted from seed have engulfed pot and started to bloom.

Marigold flower

I planted these zinnias around my mailbox in alternating rows of red and white.  I started them from seed and they are coming along nicely.

Close up of zinnia getting ready to bloom, and it looks like a red one.

Fashion Azaleas that I planted along fence line.  I hope in 3 to 5 years these will grow together and create a screen.  I planted 20 of these about 4 feet apart.

Fashion Azalea in bloom, I really like the color of this variety


  1. Thanks Granny, I hope to try a few different flowers each year around my mailbox to build my flower gardening knowledge. Do you have any flower suggestions for a person just starting out like me?

  2. Kris, I've always been more a veggie gardener than a flower gardener. I pretty much stick to those easily grown perennials, like Shasta daisies, summer phlox, day lilies and chrysanthemums. For annuals, I do love zinnias, lobelia and impatiens. I grew cosmos last year and loved them, but I seeded the large variety, not realizing how tall they got. This year I found seeds for a semi-dwarf variety.

  3. Thanks for the info, I will research lobelia and cosmos and see what I like.
