Sunday, May 29, 2011

2011 Garden - May 29th

I have been so busy in the garden, and it seems like I can barely keep up with everything.  The Oregon Sugar Pod II snow peas in particular are a real time spender.  I have to pick them every night or else they get way too big.  I have been harvesting squash and lots of zucchini too.  The lettuce is fully formed and I have about 8 heads that are ready to be harvested.  So that means only a few more weeks of fresh garden lettuce.  The corn looks great and it is loaded with ears.  I hit it with a little 13-13-13 and extra water today.  I bought some liquid Sevin insecticide and sprayed my squash and zucchini plants.

As for new plantings, I have planted a full 4X8 bed of pink eye purple hull field peas.  I also planted a 4X4 bed of Jalapeno peppers, and a 4X4 bed of eggplant.  I planted 4 squares of Silver Queen corn, but I think my zucchini may be taking too much from that bed to also grow corn out of it.  I finished off what was left of the maple tree up on the hill and I think I will plant some more stuff up there.

As for the weather, it is just crazy hot and no rain.  I know I live in Georgia, but this has been August weather that we have had in May.  I hope it is not a sign of a super hot summer.  I thought last summer was the hottest I can remember.

Garden Overall

Peaches and Cream Corn is really growing now that the maple tree is gone.

Lettuce is only gonna last a few more days in this heat

Pink Eye Purple Hull Peas are one of my favorites

Oregon Sugar Pod II Peas, they have struggled too in this heat.

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