Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Squash Bug War

I noticed the last few times that I have been watering my zucchini there are these bugs that run from the water and go high up on the leaves.  Since I am not well versed on recognizing different pests, I went on the Internet to research.  Looks like I have a squash bug infestation.  I had a little bit of Sevin dust left so I gave the plants a liberal coating.  According to my research these bugs are really difficult to kill and get rid of.

There are two methods that I am going to try next if the Sevin doesn't work.  The first involves laying something flat around the zucchini plant stems and the bugs will collect on the bottom.  Then you can easily remove the board and destroy the little rascals.  The other method involves spraying the plant with water, and when the bugs run to high ground spray them with soapy water.  I have heard they are virtually impossible to contain completely.  Let the war begin.

Here is a sample picture of what they look like


  1. I would try the sevin. If the dust does not work, try buying the kind that you mix and spray. We have been using it with good success! Good luck!

  2. It looks like the dust may have worked for now. I watered the plants really good and I didn't see any bugs. I did see one on my squash plants so I may have to spray those too. Do you prefer the spray over the dust? I have never used the spray, the dust is OK but I feel like its getting all over me and I am breathing it in the air.

  3. We prefer the liquid. The hubby does this for me. He has asthma so he avoids the dust at all costs. The liquid is also what is used around here for large scale vegetable production, so he is more familiar with it.

  4. Thanks for the input, I used the last of what dust I had on these guys. I am going to pick up some liquid this weekend and see how I like it.
