Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Eggplant and Jalapeno Plantings

Tonight I decided to pull one of my zucchini plants and replant the bed with eggplant and jalapeno peppers. The zucchini plant was still growing, but its stem was pretty hollowed out from squash vine borers. I picked the remaining two zukes on the plant and then out it went.

I refurbished the bed with a bag of cow manure and a bag of mushroom compost that I picked up at Lowes. I also bought the plants there: 2 Black Beauty Eggplants, 2 Regular Jalapenos, and 2 No Heat Jalapenos. The plants were three bucks a piece and it made me appreciate how much I prefer planting from seeds. Maybe next year I will be able to seed my own plants indoors. After working the soil I covered with black weed fabric and planted everything. I hope the plants do well.

Here is the zucchini plant I removed

Here is the soil after adding compost

Finished product


  1. The bed looks great! I can't wait to see the photos of produce coming from it.


  2. Hate those SVBs. Hate them, hate them, hate them.

    Good thing our growing season is so long, huh!?

  3. I bet the eggplant and peppers are going to love it in that bed. The cool thing is, even though they were $3 a piece, they will produce more than that in fruit when you compare to grocery store prices.

  4. Luis - Thanks, I hope I have some great photos to share.

    Ribbit - Yeah, me too but there is nothing we can do about it. The long growing season does help. I guess that is our reward for enduring the summers down here.

    GrafixMuse - I sure hope so, my goal is to make bacon wrapped and cheese filled jalapeno poppers, and to try eggplant. Can you believe I have never eaten eggplant my whole life?
