Monday, August 1, 2011

Garden Harvests - August 1st

Well I don't have anything exciting to report or show except just more yellow crookneck squash and purple hull peas. I pick a few squash and a handful of pea pods every night. I am thankful for these harvests, but I am really looking forward to harvesting something different like peppers or tomatoes.

Here is about 2 lbs of squash ready to be processed for freezing

Purple hull peas, I shell them daily and let them build up until I have about a pound and then I freeze them.


  1. Stop sounding so sorrowful, you have a terrific harvest to brag about...I can almost taste those peas with some smoked ham hocks Yummy and Cecil would give you a run for those squash he loves them just saulted with onions. Be blessed!

  2. Next year I'm so puple hulling it.

  3. I'd gladly trade some peppers amd tomatoes for some squash. Those purple hull peas look great, I may have to try them next year.

  4. Gingerbread - I know I am blessed. Variety is the spice of life, you can't fault me for wanting something different. :) I guess it is human nature to always want something else.

    Ribbit - They are pretty easy to grow, but I thought they grew like a bush. They vine big time. The plants have spread to the other corn bed and have wrapped around the stalks and are about 7 feet tall.

    Ed - You should be able to grow them pretty well. I like all sorts of cow peas. Like so many other vegetables, there are so many varieties. The possibilities are endless.
