Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tomato Harvest in November?!?

I planted tomatoes very late in the season this year, mainly because it was a last ditch attempt to have some for salsa and tomato sauce.  I planted 3 plants on June 27th: One Better Boy, One Big Boy, and One Roma.  By the time I planted we were well into summer and none of the flowers produced any fruit.

The plants survived the heat of summer and once the temperatures cooled in early September they really started putting out fruit.  I have waited almost two months for them to vine ripen and although a few of them have, I think the temps are just too cool now for that to happen.

So tonight I decided to pick the best ones from the plants.  I am going to make some fried green tomatoes and let the rest ripen indoors.  The total haul in the large basket below was 19 pounds.  There are still more on the plants, but I will let them go until the first frost approaches.


  1. How very cool! Congrats on your tomato harvest.

    The diminished sunlight plus cool nights are probably contributing to the slow down. But I think most of those will ripen inside.

  2. Thanks, this is my first year growing tomatoes. I sure hope they ripen so I can make some tomato sauce. Has the snow stopped for you up in Maine?

  3. Yes, the snow from the storm is over. The days have warmed up to more fall like temps and most of what we had on the ground is gone. We never get snow this early. I am hoping to rake my leaves and add them to the compost pile this weekend.

  4. Pickle and can them! They're amazing although there's no reason that they should be so good. Everything screams "eeeewwww" but they're fantastic that way. The Ball book has a great recipe.

  5. GrafixMuse - Glad you are out of the snow now. Maybe it will hold off for a while now.

    Ribbit - I got some brown paper bags from the grocery store today. I am going to try that method for ripening them and then make some sauce.

  6. what kind of scales do you use to weigh your veggis on ?

  7. I use a counter top scale that I bought from It works great. You can see it on this blog post.
