Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Update on Seedlings - April 11, 2012

I didn't think this day would ever come, but it is time to put my seedlings in the ground.  I am happy with the results of my first foray into seed starting.

I already planted all my tomatoes in the garden about a week ago.  I was only going to plant six plants: two romas, two better boys, and two best boys.  I started nine plants just in case a few didn't make it.  Well, all six plants are thriving and of course I didn't have the heart to throw away three perfectly good tomato seedlings so now I have nine plants.  The three extras I had to put in pots.  So that leaves my peppers and eggplants left to plant.  Tomorrow evening I plan on prepping a 4x8 bed and planting four eggplants and four bell peppers.  This weekend I am finally going to put my coca cola cooler planter to use.  It is going to be used for hot peppers.  I am going to plant jalapenos and habaneros in it.  I have six each for a total of twelve plants and I don't know if I can use them all, but I will post something about that too.  Tonight is supposed to be a little chilly down to 42 degrees, after that I should be in the clear to plant.


  1. Your seedlings look very healthy. I bet you will be glad to get them all in the ground. I can never discard extra healthy seedlings either and usually find them a home either in an unplanned spot in my yard, in pots, or give them away.

  2. I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to get my garden started. In zone 6, we don't plant until May. This was my first year starting plants from seeds too.

  3. Your seedlings are looking good! I can never discard extra seedlings. Mine usually end up in some very unorthodox locations.

  4. Jenny - Thank you.

    GrafixMuse - I can't wait to get them in the ground. It is hard to discard something that you have nursed along for a few months.

    rmgales - Thanks, you only have a few more weeks and then you can start. I just hope all my little seedlings live once I transplant them to garden.

    Ed - Thanks buddy.
