Thursday, May 24, 2012

Garden Harvests - May 24, 2012

I am still harvesting a few squash every couple of days and rather than post the same old thing I thought it would be better to post what future harvests are expected since all I am harvesting now is squash.  I have corn, tomatoes, and peppers all in different stages.  In the next month I should harvest some of each if everything goes as planned.

I also have a dilemma on my peppers.  I planted what I thought were habaneros but look nothing like the traditional orange habaneros.  These are long and slender and don't resemble a habanero. Maybe it is a different kind of habanero, if anyone could identify it I would appreciate knowing.  I am not a pepper guru.

This is one of my favorite pictures I have taken this year.  My daughter wanted to walk through the corn plot.  She is holding her popsicle up high and the sunlight was shining right toward my camera.  It turned out like she was holding her hands up to pray and God was shining his light on my little girl.  I thought it looked even better black and white.

Here she is standing in front of the corn.
Two more weeks till this is harvested.

Here is the second batch I planted, it's waist high right now.

This stalk had three silks coming off of one ear.  I doubt they will all fully mature but it looked cool.  I have several with two ears per stalk.

My largest tomato cluster

Roma tomatoes

Another smaller cluster

This is the pepper that doesn't look like a habanero, what is it?


  1. Beautiful photos of your daughter and very nice tomatoes! That pepper looks like Banana to me.

  2. Thanks Jenny, the funny thing about the pepper is I harvested one of them in the green stage and used my mom to test the heat. (Cruel I know) She told me it had a good bit of heat to it so I don't think it is a banana. It is something with heat.

  3. there are sweet and hot varieties of banana pepper, and it tends to be hotter when it's unripe

  4. Cool, I didn't know that. That is crazy if they packaged banana pepper seeds in a habanero package.

    I noticed the back of the seed package said "Packed in Holland"...what the heck? I never heard of habaneros growing in Holland. It was a package of Burpee seeds bought from Home Depot.

  5. Hungarian wax pepper?

    Love the photos of your little girl. The corn, too!

  6. Someone over at the SFG forum also pegged it as a Hungarian wax pepper. That must be what it is then. I guess I am going to have to go and buy a "real" habanero plant and plant in a pot. Having five habbi's was probably too much anyway. Thanks for the comment about my little one, she is the best thing that ever happened to me.

  7. Amazing photo of your daughter working her way through the corn patch!

    The pepper looks like hungarian hot wax to me as well. I am growing these for the first time this year. I have grown Banana peppers before quite unexpectedly and they had no heat. I say "unexpectedly" because I purchased transplants of something else and was surprised when they began to produce a yellow pepper.

  8. I love the picture of your daughter! How awesome. You should enlarge it and frame it to hang in your house. That would be a wonderful Father's Day present to hint for your wife to give you. :)

  9. Grafix - Thanks for the compliment on the photo, coming from you means a lot. Yeah, I am pretty bummed they aren't habaneros, but what can you do. I am going to pick up a couple of real habanero seedlings and go from there.

    Cristy - Thanks Cristy, the best pictures to me are the ones when you are not trying to capture a moment. They are just spontaneous and this was one of those moments. I will have to drop a few hints and see what happens.

  10. such sweet photos of your little girl!

    wow, you are way ahead of us! now i'm really looking forward to corn and tomatoes!

  11. Thanks Kelli, we are doing ok down here but just in desperate need of rain. It is so dry right now, and even though I am watering like crazy that can only do so much. Today it is supposed to be 97, which is way above normal.

    According to my records the first of the corn should be ready to harvest next Saturday, June 2nd. I can't wait.
