Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Garden Harvests - July 25, 2012

The garden is still holding on despite the record breaking drought and heat.  The zipper cream and purple hull peas are loving it, and I should have some harvests to show for it in a few more weeks.  Everything else is struggling despite my best efforts to keep things watered.  There is only so much time in the evenings and the heat is so draining I don't go out for long. 

I had a big harvest of eggplant this week

The tomatoes are still producing, they have even started to flower again.

More harvests of eggplant, bell peppers, and tomatoes

I harvested my first red jalapeno, I bet it is hot.  Giving this to someone at work.

Speaking of heat, my two potted habaneros are finally producing fruit.
These things just look wicked.  I can't wait to pass these bad boys out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The eggplants and tomatoes are gorgeous! Love the little jalapeno too. :)

  3. Wow! The eggplant look really nice and I envy the tomatoes. Mine are still very green.

  4. Beautiful harvests. I especially love the eggplants. Mine took a sabbatical from producing, but they seem to be back in business.

  5. Jenny - Thanks, I am trying.

    Rachel - I hope yours ripen up soon. I am kind of sick of tomatoes right now I have eaten so many of them.

    Cristy - Thanks, mine have been producing smaller fruits then before but they are doing ok. I am burnt out on eggplant too.
