Sunday, October 14, 2012

Garden Harvests - October 15, 2012

This may be the last garden harvest of 2012 and the last from Georgia Home Garden 1.0.  The only thing I have left in the garden is eggplants and bell peppers.  The plants may produce for another month, but we are exactly two weeks out from closing on the house and at that point they won't be MY plants anymore. :( 

The eggplants have produced better than I could have expected.  My harvest of eggplant this year is over 55 pounds from only four plants!  This is the second year in a row the eggplants have produced so well.  I may only plant half as much next year because it is way more than we can eat.

I am so busy with the new house and working on various projects I may not have another garden until next spring.  That doesn't mean that I won't be posting though.  I am busy working on the landscaping at the new house and I am going to share more on that in future posts.  

Only half of what I have harvested

Bell Peppers