Sunday, October 14, 2012

Garden Harvests - October 15, 2012

This may be the last garden harvest of 2012 and the last from Georgia Home Garden 1.0.  The only thing I have left in the garden is eggplants and bell peppers.  The plants may produce for another month, but we are exactly two weeks out from closing on the house and at that point they won't be MY plants anymore. :( 

The eggplants have produced better than I could have expected.  My harvest of eggplant this year is over 55 pounds from only four plants!  This is the second year in a row the eggplants have produced so well.  I may only plant half as much next year because it is way more than we can eat.

I am so busy with the new house and working on various projects I may not have another garden until next spring.  That doesn't mean that I won't be posting though.  I am busy working on the landscaping at the new house and I am going to share more on that in future posts.  

Only half of what I have harvested

Bell Peppers


  1. That's a lot of eggplant! I'm looking forward to seeing how you landscape the new place. Best of luck!

  2. that is a lot of eggplant! way to go on such great production rate, and those peppers look wonderful! good luck on the new house and can't wait to see your new pictures come spring time :)

  3. What fun getting to plan a whole new garden! Maybe your old garden will inspire some new gardeners!

  4. I wish my eggplant would produce like that! YUM! Congrats on your new home and closing on this one.

  5. Ed - It sure was a lot of eggplant this year, and I am pretty sick of it at this point. I hope to have some posts up soon on the new landscaping.

    Jenny - Thanks so much and I just hope to have enough time to do a garden in the Spring.

    Shawn Ann - Thanks for posting on my blog. I guess that is the fun part of any project, the preparation and planning of it. I have plenty of projects planned for the new house. It took me 11 years to get my old house just like I wanted it. I estimate it will take 5 to 7 years on the new one.

    Cristy - I don't know anything that I did special to get so many eggplant either. I guess I have just been lucky so far. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the closing clears.

  6. Wow Kris, Praise The Lord for His goodness to you. I am so happy your house sold and you will get to move to a larger house with a bigger garden in the future.
    I read down through how God has brought you to this place and I know that lots of prayer went into it. To look at the time frame, God really sell your house fast.
    Blessing to you and your family as God leads you into a new place. Thank you for the verse you gave me today. I don't know how anyone ever lives without the comfort of the Word of God. Or His presence. I love that your offer came after you went to church. :)
