Monday, May 30, 2011

Casualties of War

Please visit and like my new facebook page Georgia Home Garden.

Today I salute all of our brave men and women who sacrifice so much for our great nation.  I feel truly blessed to live in the United States, and although we have our issues, this IS the greatest country in the world.  Thank you to all of our soldiers and everything you do.

Now I salute a garden solider, one who battles day and night against a fierce enemy.  I honor all my zucchini soldiers who have fought the attack against the dreaded squash vine borer.  One of those brave green soldiers has been lost in battle.  I salute you for all the delicious fruit you gave me and against all odds......BUT

In true American spirit, I have 4 outstanding recruits ready to pick up where you left off.  They are ready to do battle and resist the enemy.  May they succeed where you left off.

Healthy Zucchini Soldiers

Fallen Zucchini Soldier

One of the four new recruits I have planted.

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