Monday, September 19, 2011

Garden Harvests - September 19th

Please visit and like my new facebook page Georgia Home Garden.

The temperatures have cooled, but we are in desperate need of rain.  It has been a really dry August and September.  In spite of that, the garden is still producing well.  The tomatoes are liking the cooler weather and I see several small tomatoes growing on the plants now.  I harvested some corn, several eggplants, and more peppers this week.  

This was one good looking eggplant.  It was peeled, sliced, and fried in panko bread crumbs.  It tasted awesome.

Cowhorn peppers

Two ears of silver queen and two ears of peaches and cream corn.  The silver queen had a few yellow kernels due to cross pollination.  These were prepared for dinner one night. 

I picked a batch of peaches and cream and put away for freezing.  The rest of the corn should be ready in about a week.

Another batch of eggplants, gave these away to friends.

Jalapeno Peppers

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